Monday, October 23, 2017

Day 2 – How We Organise Ourselves

Grade 6s wrote their number patterns unit test during math class today. There is no math homework assigned today.

We continued working on our City of Ember novel study. Students met in their literature circle groups and discussed the tenth chapter using their assigned roles. Once discussions were completed, students were assigned a new literature circle role for the eleventh chapter. Students used class time to read Chapter 11. While they read they worked on their role response and also worked on completing their graphic organiser. Students who did not complete this in class are to complete it for homework. We will have literature circle discussions again tomorrow.  It is important that each group member complete the reading and their response for the daily group discussions.

During our inquiry time, students received all their electricity projects back. They also reflected on the electricity unit by saying what they enjoyed most during the unit and how they have developed their IB learner profile attributes and attitudes during this unit. Students worked on their IB Portfolios. They chose 4 pieces of work to place in their portfolios: My Best Work, Something I Worked My Hardest On, Something I Need to Improve On, and A Way I Showed a Learner Profile Attribute. This work took considerably longer than anticipated. As a result many students did not get to work on their electric cars. Some students chose to stay in during recess and work on their cars.

The Grade 6 Class was introduced to their new unit of inquiry today. The details for this new unit are as follows:

Theme: How we organise ourselves

Central Ideas: A nation’s foreign policies influences how it interacts on the international stage

Key Concepts: Causation, Connection

Lines on Inquiry:

·        Our country’s economic, political, social, and physical links with other countries

·        The role and impact of our significant people and leaders in the world

·        Our role in the international community

Students were tested on what they already know about this unit. They worked on an activity that tested their knowledge of Canada’s physical, economic, political, and social features. It also tested what students know about Canada’s trading practices. Students checked their own work and many agree that they have a lot to learn in the weeks coming up.

Grade 6s attended French and gym class today.

Homework and Reminders

·        Science Fair: Collect any materials you may need for your car construction

·        Novel Study: Chapter 11 & Reading Response due tomorrow

·        Tues., Oct. 24 – Bake Sale

·        Wed., Oct. 25 – Casual Day, Bake Sale

·        Thurs., Oct. 26 – Picture Day

·        Tues., Oct. 31 – Spirit Day: Harvest/Halloween Dress Up – No weapons, scary masks.

·        Mon., Nov. 20 – Curling trip

·        Dec. 1st – Curling trip


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