Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Day 2 – Canada and the USA

Grade 6s continued learning about decimals in math class. Because most students have plans to be out for Halloween this evening, we only did one math lesson today. The goal was for everyone to complete all homework before recess. Some students used 1 or 2 of their recesses to complete and get caught up on their math homework. Today students practiced multiplying a decimal by 1-digit whole number. Students received their Geometry unit tests today. Please take time to review these, sign them, and return them to school tomorrow.

We continued working on our City of Ember novel study. Students met in their literature circle groups and discussed the sixteenth chapter using their assigned roles. Once discussions were completed, students were assigned a new literature circle role for the seventeenth chapter. Everyone was asked complete the reading and response before going out for recess in order to have no homework today.

During today’s inquiry time the class participated in an activity where they used strings to represent trade between countries and students to represent countries. We discussed how this activity represented economic links between countries. Students further discussed what the slackness and tightness of the strings might mean in a trade market. Students were surveyed about the country of origin of their favourite sports team, musicians, and movies. Students reflected on how these represent social connections between countries and that there were many of these connections between Canada and the USA. Students worked in groups to research the PEPS of these two countries.

In language, we learned about the form of an Action-Word Poem. Ask your child what is recorded on each line of this kind of poem. Students heard, wrote, and shared action-word poems with each other.

Grade 6s attended a little bit of French and gym class today. Today’s French class was cut short due to the Halloween Harvest costume judging. At the end of the day, Grade 6s joined in with a Halloween Dance.

Remember to memorise the Guy Fawkes Day poem by Monday, November 6th.

Homework and Reminders

·        Math: Review, sign, and return the geometry unit test that is coming home today

·        Language: What is the difference between a fairy tale and a legend?

·        Science Fair: Collect any materials you may need for your car construction

·        Novel Study: Chapter 17 & Reading Response due tomorrow

·        Mon., Nov. 6 – Guy Fawkes Day Poetry Recitations

·        Mon., Nov. 20 – Curling trip

·        Dec. 1st – Curling trip

Monday, October 30, 2017

Day 1 – Imports and Exports

Grade 6s continued learning about decimals in math class. Today students practiced dividing decimals by 10, 100, 1000, and 10 000 decimals. They also learned how to multiply a decimal by 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001. Everyone is asked to complete p. 58 – 61 of the MMS 6 practice book for homework. Corrections on previous homework in the decimal unit should be done too if applicable. Students received their Number Patterns tests today. Please take time to review these, sign them, and return them to school tomorrow.

We continued working on our City of Ember novel study. Students met in their literature circle groups and discussed the fifteenth chapter using their assigned roles. Once discussions were completed, students were assigned a new literature circle role for the sixteenth chapter. Some students used class time to read Chapter 16. While they read they worked on their role response and also worked on completing their graphic organiser. Students who did not complete this in class are to complete it for homework. We will have literature circle discussions again tomorrow.  It is important that each group member complete the reading and their response for the daily group discussions.

During today’s inquiry time our goal was to develop an understanding of what is meant by ‘imports and exports’ and why countries trade with each other. Students then learned about which countries are Canada’s top trading partners. They completed a map work activity to find and represent these countries on a map. Students who did not complete this in class are asked to complete it for homework.

In language, we learned about the form of a Three-line List Poem. Ask your child what is recorded on each line a list poem. Students heard, wrote, and shared list poems with each other.

Grade 6s attended French, music, and gym class today.

Students received copies of the Guy Fawkes Day poem. Students will receive house points for memorising the poem. This should be done by Monday, November 6th.

Students may wear their Halloween costumes or dress in harvest colours for tomorrow’s Spirit Day.

Homework and Reminders

·        MMS 6 p. 58 – 61, Review, sign, and return the number patterns test that is coming home today

·        Language: What is the difference between a fairy tale and a legend?

·        Science Fair: Collect any materials you may need for your car construction

·        Novel Study: Chapter 16 & Reading Response due tomorrow

·        Complete Canada’s Trading Map work activity if you did not get done in class today

·        Tues., Oct. 31 – Spirit Day: Harvest/Halloween Dress Up – No weapons, scary masks.

·        Mon., Nov. 6 – Guy Fawkes Day Poetry Recitations

·        Mon., Nov. 20 – Curling trip

·        Dec. 1st – Curling trip


Friday, October 27, 2017

Day 6 – Multiplying Decimals and PEPS

Grade 6s continued learning about decimals in math class. Today students practiced adding and subtracting decimals. They also learned how to mentally multiply a decimal by 10, 100, 1000, 10 000. Everyone is asked to complete p. 54 – 57 of the MMS 6 practice book for homework. Corrections on previous homework in the decimal unit should be done too if applicable.

We continued working on our City of Ember novel study. Students met in their literature circle groups and discussed the fourteenth chapter using their assigned roles. Once discussions were completed, students were assigned a new literature circle role for the fifteenth chapter. Some students used class time to read Chapter 15. While they read they worked on their role response and also worked on completing their graphic organiser. Students who did not complete this in class are to complete it for homework. We will have literature circle discussions again tomorrow.  It is important that each group member complete the reading and their response for the daily group discussions.

During today’s inquiry time our goal was to develop an understanding of what is meant by the physical, economic, political, and social aspects (PEPS) of a country or region. Students played a ‘Fun with Photos’ game. They grouped the photos into 4 categories: physical, economic, political, and social. Students had correct placements confirmed and incorrect placements had to be regrouped until all were correct. They played this game three times, each time with a different set of photos. Each time they recorded the criteria they used to place a photo in a particular category. At the end of the games, the class used the clues they had gathered to create a definition for the terms ‘physical, economic, political, and social’.

In language, students continued reading samples of fable and legend writing and discussing the criteria for effective story writing. Students will use this list of criteria to help them improve their story writing.

We had some time for car building today.

Grade 6s attended French and gym class today.

Homework and Reminders

·        MMS 6 p. 54 – 57

·        Language: What is the difference between a fairy tale and a legend?

·        Science Fair: Collect any materials you may need for your car construction

·        Novel Study: Chapter 15 & Reading Response due tomorrow

·        Tues., Oct. 31 – Spirit Day: Harvest/Halloween Dress Up – No weapons, scary masks.

·        Mon., Nov. 20 – Curling trip

·        Dec. 1st – Curling trip

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Day 5 – Rounding Decimals

Grade 6s continued learning about decimals in math class. Today we practiced rounding to the nearest whole, tenth, hundredth, and thousandth place as a way of estimating. Students applied this skill to estimating sums and differences of decimals. Everyone is asked to complete p. 50 – 53 of the MMS 6 practice book for homework. Corrections on previous homework in the decimal unit should be done too if applicable.

We continued working on our City of Ember novel study. Students met in their literature circle groups and discussed the thirteenth chapter using their assigned roles. Once discussions were completed, students were assigned a new literature circle role for the fourteenth chapter. Some students used class time to read Chapter 14. While they read they worked on their role response and also worked on completing their graphic organiser. Students who did not complete this in class are to complete it for homework. We will have literature circle discussions again tomorrow.  It is important that each group member complete the reading and their response for the daily group discussions.

During today’s inquiry time we shared their Global Connections Treasure Hunt in their groups. Groups presented interesting discoveries they made. Any new countries were pinned in our big class map. Students worked on map work, by making a map of the continents. They added a key and compass to their map.

In language, students continued reading samples of fable and legend writing and discussing the criteria for effective story writing. Students will use this list of criteria to help them improve their story writing.

We had some time for car building today.

Grade 6s attended French and gym class today.

Homework and Reminders

·        Map work – if you did not get done in class

·        MMS 6 p. 50 – 53

·        Language: What is the difference between a fairy tale and a legend?

·        Science Fair: Collect any materials you may need for your car construction

·        Novel Study: Chapter 14 & Reading Response due tomorrow

·        Fri. Oct. 27 – Hot lunch orders are due. Please note we are curling on Nov. 20, Scholastic orders are due

·        Tues., Oct. 31 – Spirit Day: Harvest/Halloween Dress Up – No weapons, scary masks.

·        Mon., Nov. 20 – Curling trip

·        Dec. 1st – Curling trip

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Day 4 – Global Connections

Grade 6s continued learning about decimals in math class. Today we explored thousandths and comparing and ordering decimals. Students wrote fractions as decimals in tenths, hundredths, and thousandths. They wrote decimals in a place-value chart and in expanded form. We did not have much class time for students to work in the practice books today. Everyone is asked to complete p. 46 – 49 of the MMS 6 practice book for homework. Corrections on yesterday’s homework should be done too if applicable.

We continued working on our City of Ember novel study. Students met in their literature circle groups and discussed the twelfth chapter using their assigned roles. Once discussions were completed, students were assigned a new literature circle role for the thirteenth chapter. Some students used class time to read Chapter 13. While they read they worked on their role response and also worked on completing their graphic organiser. Students who did not complete this in class are to complete it for homework. We will have literature circle discussions again tomorrow.  It is important that each group member complete the reading and their response for the daily group discussions.

During today’s inquiry time we compared and contrasted different map projections. We particularly explored the Mercato and Peters projections. Ask your child to explain what they learned about these maps. Students that would like to may continue playing the “Which map is best?” game, Lesson 2, at the OXFAM website. You may have to enable popups for this game to work. The class had fun playing ‘GLOBINGO’ while they learned about the global connections in our class. We placed pins in our world map to represent this connections. For homework, students will be conducting a Global Connections Treasure Hunt. They will examine items and products in their homes to discover where these products come from. At the end of our class time, students read an interactive story about ‘The Global Kid’. They had lots of fun interrupting the speaker to inform him of where and when in the world products in the story come from.

In language, students continued reading samples of fable and legend writing and discussing the criteria for effective story writing. Students will use this list of criteria to help them improve their story writing.

Grade 6s attended French and gym class today.

Please bring $1 - $2 to support our bake sale. This continues tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Picture Day. Remember to be in full uniform. No hoodies.

Homework and Reminders

·        Global Connections Treasure Hunt

·        MMS 6 p. 46 – 49

·        Language: What is the difference between a fairy tale and a legend?

·        Science Fair: Collect any materials you may need for your car construction

·        Novel Study: Chapter 13 & Reading Response due tomorrow

·        Thurs., Oct. 26 – Picture Day, Bake Sale

·        Fri. Oct. 27 – Hot lunch orders are due. Please note we are curling on Nov. 20

·        Tues., Oct. 31 – Spirit Day: Harvest/Halloween Dress Up – No weapons, scary masks.

·        Mon., Nov. 20 – Curling trip

·        Dec. 1st – Curling trip

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Day 3 – Haiku Poems

Grade 6s began a new Number Sense and Numeration unit on decimals. Today we practiced writing large numbers as decimals, e.g. 1 800 000 can be written as 1.8 million. Students practiced these skills. Those who did not get done in class are asked to complete p. 44 – 45 of the MMS 6 practice book for homework.

We continued working on our City of Ember novel study. Students met in their literature circle groups and discussed the eleventh chapter using their assigned roles. Once discussions were completed, students were assigned a new literature circle role for the twelfth chapter. Some students used class time to read Chapter 12. While they read they worked on their role response and also worked on completing their graphic organiser. Students who did not complete this in class are to complete it for homework. We will have literature circle discussions again tomorrow.  It is important that each group member complete the reading and their response for the daily group discussions.

During today’s inquiry time we looked at the physical features of the Earth by examining the number, shape, and size of the continents depending on the view of the Earth. Students are encouraged to practice their mapping skills from Lesson 1 at the OXFAM website.

In language, students read samples of fable and legend writing. They wrote the reasons the stories were effective. We will be using their reasons to create a list of criteria for effective writing. Also in language, we explored Haiku poems. Students were challenged to write a Haiku poem of their own. Ask your child to explain the features of a Haiku poem to you.

Grade 6s attended French, music, and gym class today.

Please bring $1 - $2 to support our bake sale. This continues tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Casual Day.

Homework and Reminders

·        MMS 6 p. 44 – 45

·        Language: What is the difference between a fairy tale and a legend?

·        Science Fair: Collect any materials you may need for your car construction

·        Novel Study: Chapter 12 & Reading Response due tomorrow

·        Wed., Oct. 25 – Casual Day, Bake Sale

·        Thurs., Oct. 26 – Picture Day

·        Fri. Oct. 27 – Hot lunch orders are due. Please note we are curling on Nov. 20

·        Tues., Oct. 31 – Spirit Day: Harvest/Halloween Dress Up – No weapons, scary masks.

·        Mon., Nov. 20 – Curling trip

·        Dec. 1st – Curling trip

Monday, October 23, 2017

Day 2 – How We Organise Ourselves

Grade 6s wrote their number patterns unit test during math class today. There is no math homework assigned today.

We continued working on our City of Ember novel study. Students met in their literature circle groups and discussed the tenth chapter using their assigned roles. Once discussions were completed, students were assigned a new literature circle role for the eleventh chapter. Students used class time to read Chapter 11. While they read they worked on their role response and also worked on completing their graphic organiser. Students who did not complete this in class are to complete it for homework. We will have literature circle discussions again tomorrow.  It is important that each group member complete the reading and their response for the daily group discussions.

During our inquiry time, students received all their electricity projects back. They also reflected on the electricity unit by saying what they enjoyed most during the unit and how they have developed their IB learner profile attributes and attitudes during this unit. Students worked on their IB Portfolios. They chose 4 pieces of work to place in their portfolios: My Best Work, Something I Worked My Hardest On, Something I Need to Improve On, and A Way I Showed a Learner Profile Attribute. This work took considerably longer than anticipated. As a result many students did not get to work on their electric cars. Some students chose to stay in during recess and work on their cars.

The Grade 6 Class was introduced to their new unit of inquiry today. The details for this new unit are as follows:

Theme: How we organise ourselves

Central Ideas: A nation’s foreign policies influences how it interacts on the international stage

Key Concepts: Causation, Connection

Lines on Inquiry:

·        Our country’s economic, political, social, and physical links with other countries

·        The role and impact of our significant people and leaders in the world

·        Our role in the international community

Students were tested on what they already know about this unit. They worked on an activity that tested their knowledge of Canada’s physical, economic, political, and social features. It also tested what students know about Canada’s trading practices. Students checked their own work and many agree that they have a lot to learn in the weeks coming up.

Grade 6s attended French and gym class today.

Homework and Reminders

·        Science Fair: Collect any materials you may need for your car construction

·        Novel Study: Chapter 11 & Reading Response due tomorrow

·        Tues., Oct. 24 – Bake Sale

·        Wed., Oct. 25 – Casual Day, Bake Sale

·        Thurs., Oct. 26 – Picture Day

·        Tues., Oct. 31 – Spirit Day: Harvest/Halloween Dress Up – No weapons, scary masks.

·        Mon., Nov. 20 – Curling trip

·        Dec. 1st – Curling trip


Friday, October 20, 2017

Day 1 – Math Review

Grade 6s continued reviewing number patterns in math today in preparation for Monday’s test. Each student had mini conference times with me as we checked over their work. Students who did not complete the review work in the time allocated used recess time and reading time to try get done. Students should complete all review questions if they did not get done in class today. The unit test will take place on Monday, October 23rd.

We continued working on our City of Ember novel study. Students met in their literature circle groups and discussed the ninth chapter using their assigned roles. Once discussions were completed, students were assigned a new literature circle role for the tenth chapter. Students used class time to read Chapter 10. While they read they worked on their role response and also worked on completing their graphic organiser. Students who did not complete this in class are to complete it for homework. We will have literature circle discussions again tomorrow.  It is important that each group member complete the reading and their response for the daily group discussions.

Students continued working on their science fair projects by building their car prototypes.

We did not work on our IB portfolios today. Instead we used this time to work on math review.

Grade 6s attended French, music, and gym class today.

Homework and Reminders

·        Math

o   Correct and complete all questions in the review package

o   Number Patterns unit test on Monday, October 23rd.

·        Science Fair: Collect any materials you may need for your car construction

·        Novel Study: Chapter 10 & Reading Response due tomorrow

·        Mon., Oct., 23 – Number Patterns unit test

·        Tues., Oct. 24 – Bake Sale

·        Wed., Oct. 25 – Casual Day, Bake Sale

·        Thurs., Oct. 26 – Picture Day

·        Tues., Oct. 31 – Spirit Day: Harvest/Halloween Dress Up

·        Mon., Nov. 20 – Curling trip

·        Dec. 1st – Curling trip

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Day 6 – Generation Station Presentations

Grade 6s continued practicing patterning in math today. Students who completed the practice work went on to begin their review work to prepare for Monday’s unit test. All workbooks are coming home today. Students should catch up and correct any work we have covered in class so far in the MMS 6 & 7 books. Students should complete MMS 7 p. 16 – 17 for homework if they did not get done in class. Students should complete review questions 1 – 7 if they did not get done in class today. The unit test will take place on Monday, October 23rd.

We continued working on our City of Ember novel study. Students met in their literature circle groups and discussed the eighth chapter using their assigned roles. Once discussions were completed, students were assigned a new literature circle role for the ninth chapter. Students used class time to read Chapter 9. While they read they worked on their role response and also worked on completing their graphic organiser. Students who did not complete this in class are to complete it for homework. We will have literature circle discussions again tomorrow.  It is important that each group member complete the reading and their response for the daily group discussions.

During our inquiry time, students presented their slideshow presentations on their chosen type of electrical generation station.

Students continued working on their science fair projects by building their car prototypes. A few more students were ready to test their cars today.

Grade 6s attended French and gym class today.

Homework and Reminders

·        Math

o   MMS 7 p. 16 – 17

o   Review Package questions 1 – 7 are due tomorrow

o   Number Patterns unit test on Monday, October 23rd.

·        Science Fair: Collect any materials you may need for your car construction

·        Devices needed for tomorrow’s electricity lesson to present slideshows

·        Novel Study: Chapter 9 & Reading Response due tomorrow

·        Mon., Oct., 23 – Number Patterns unit test

·        Tues., Oct. 24 – Bake Sale

·        Wed., Oct. 25 – Casual Day, Bake Sale

·        Thurs., Oct. 26 – Picture Day

·        Tues., Oct. 31 – Spirit Day: Harvest/Halloween Dress Up

·        Mon., Nov. 20 – Curling trip

·        Dec. 1st – Curling trip

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Day 5 – Equations & Integers

Grade 6s learned about equations and integers in math today. Our class discussion on integers led to topics such as altitude, pressure, diving, and other conversations where the use of integers has special meaning. Students should complete MMS 6 p. 8 – 11 for homework if they did not get done in class. The unit test will take place on Monday, October 23rd.

We continued working on our City of Ember novel study. Students met in their literature circle groups and discussed the seventh chapter using their assigned roles. Once discussions were completed, students were assigned a new literature circle role for the eighth chapter. Students used class time to read Chapter 8. While they read they worked on their role response and also worked on completing their graphic organiser. Students who did not complete this in class are to complete it for homework. We will have literature circle discussions again tomorrow.  It is important that each group member complete the reading and their response for the daily group discussions.

During our inquiry time, students practiced their slideshow presentations with their partners. They emailed me a copy of their slideshow to print out for their IB portfolios. Students who would prefer a colour copy may print these at home. They should try to fit all their slides onto one or two pages before printing. Presentations take place tomorrow. Devices are needed tomorrow to connect to the T.V. for presentations.

Students continued working on their science fair projects by building their car prototypes. A couple of students were ready to test their cars today. Wheels are items that are slowing many students’ progress. A person could make money selling bottle caps in the Grade 6 class at the moment. J There was a fantastic busy vibe during building today.

Grade 6s attended French, music, and gym class today.

Homework and Reminders

·        MMS 6 p. 8 – 11. Number Patterns unit test on Monday, October 23rd.

·        Science Fair: Collect any materials you may need for your car construction

·        Devices needed for tomorrow’s electricity lesson to present slideshows

·        Novel Study: Chapter 8 & Reading Response due tomorrow

·        Thurs., Oct. 19 – Electricity Generation Slideshow presentations

·        Mon., Oct., 23 – Number Patterns unit test

·        Tues., Oct. 24 – Bake Sale

·        Wed., Oct. 25 – Casual Day, Bake Sale

·        Thurs., Oct. 26 – Picture Day

·        Tues., Oct. 31 – Spirit Day: Harvest/Halloween Dress Up

·        Mon., Nov. 20 – Curling trip

·        Dec. 1st – Curling trip