Thursday, April 26, 2018

Day 5 – 5 School Days until Exhibition

We continued learning about integers in math today. Students used tiles to model subtraction of integers. Students completed practice integer work on pages 192 – 193 in their MMS 7 books. The integers unit test will take place next week, on Wednesday, May 2nd.

We continued working on exhibition for the remainder of the day. Students were asked to have Ms. Hayward check their MLA formatting and complete their essay edits. Final copies of essays are due tomorrow.

Students then worked on remaining components. M. Fouad says four groups need more time to practice their French pronunciation before we begin shooting videos. We brought out the green screen today and students had some fun experimenting with green screen apps. Students are asked to download a green screen video app of their liking to be ready to shoot their videos.

Mr. Oliver joined the class for music time. The class had a rehearsal of their Black Light Show. They need to finalise their props and select music for this component.

Students worked on their slideshow and oral component. The goal was that the first draft be complete by end of day today. As no groups were done, the class did not get gym time or second recess. Instead they used this time to work on these components. Students will practice their presentations tomorrow. At that time they will receive feedback on how to improve their work.

Grade 6 students are required to bring items for the refreshment table for both morning and evening sessions. For now everyone is asked to bring in one package of NUT & PEANUT FREE cookies and 2 packages (8 in a package) of juice. Students are asked to start bringing in these items now.  Students will also be asked to bring in fruit/cheese/water/crackers. More information about these items will follow later.

Each group should keep working on their ‘Items Needed’ list  where they record all items needed for exhibition day, such as full uniform pieces, French component costumes & props, BLS costumes & props, items for art display, items for visual display, etc.

There is a lot of work that needs to be done this week. If students are behind in meeting deadlines, they will be asked to come in on Saturday to get caught up with their work. More information will follow as we determine progress tomorrow.


Students should be working on spelling bee practice in preparation for the contests that will take place soon.


Homework and Reminders


·        Talk to your parents about possible ways to take action

·        Bring a charged device to school with you daily

·        Bring in juice (2 x 8) & 1 box/pkg of NUT-FREE cookies

·        Bring in all items on your “Items Needed” list

·        Finalise Action, French, Math, BLS components

·        Download a green screen app

Thursday, April 26

·        Complete first draft of oral presentation and slideshow

·        Complete all edits including MLA formatting of essay

Friday, April 27

·        Good copy of essay due

·        Run through of oral presentation and slideshow

Saturday, April 28

·        Students may need to come in on Saturday if they are do not complete their essay good copy, slide show & oral presentation first draft,  & BLS props

·        Hot lunch orders for May are due

Wednesday, May 2

·        Caribou math contest for those participating. Arrive at 7:15 to begin the test at 7:30 am.

·        Integers unit test

Friday, May 4 – Grade 6 PYP Exhibition

·        Hot lunch payments for May are due

Tuesday, May 8 – Trip to Cedar Glen, 8 am – 4 pm


  1. Hi Mrs. Haag,
    If the students need to come in on Saturday, what time would you like them to be there and how long are they permitted to stay and work in their groups?
    Thank you,
    Mrs. Singleton-Bassaragh

  2. 'Saturday school' will begin at 9 am and end at 12 noon. Students may leave before 12 noon if they have completed their work. We will meet in the cafeteria. Filming will take place in Room 8 for groups needing to work on their French component.
