Monday, April 4, 2016

Exhibition: Finishing up the Research

We began our day with math. We took up Friday’s lesson on adding fractions. Today’s lesson was about subtracting fractions. Students used the same strategies to do this as they did for adding fractions, i.e., by drawing pictures and writing fraction subtraction sentences. When they were subtracting fractions that did not have the same denominator, students first changed the fractions to an equivalent fraction that has the same denominator as the fraction it is being subtracted from. Students are required to show their work and convert improper fractions to mixed numbers in their simplest form.  We made excellent progress with the practice work in class. Everybody’s Q 1 – 3 has been completed, checked, and corrected again. Students are to complete the remaining problems on p. 305 & 306 of the MMS textbook for homework. A number of students have again completed all the practice work in class. Well done!

The remainder of our day was spent on Exhibition. I met with four groups to check on the research work they did on Friday and during the day today. I again made sure that students had used the checklist they received as a self-assessment. I used the same tool to assess their work. They have been given feedback on improvements that need to be made. Students were asked to look at their lines of inquiry and concept questions to determine if these have been addressed in their research. If there are gaps in the research, students should look for additional sources to fill the gaps. I will be meeting with the remaining four groups tomorrow.

We had a lesson on the supported opinion essay that will constitute the written portion of the Exhibition. Students were relieved to discover that they had already written an essay this year – their persuasive speeches. As a class we discussed the steps in the essay writing task and the expectations as stated in a checklist and rubric. We looked at a sample of supported opinion writing as well as the different types of evidence that can be used to support an opinion. We looked at the overall structure of the essay and the structure of each paragraph. It was a lot of information to go over in one sitting.  Students have each received a package that contains all the information we discussed in class that will guide them through the steps of writing the essay. Our goal is to complete the planning of the essay tomorrow.

Some groups also met with their mentors today.

Remember to send in old batteries that you need to safely dispose of. The Grade 2 classes at SJA will take care of this for you as part of their UOI.

Due to Exhibition work that we needed to complete, the Grade 6 class did not attend gym. They have been troopers with the way they have been working!

The lunch menu at SJA has undergone some changes as follows:

Mon. - Penne with sauce or butter OR Grilled Cheese on white bread

Tues. - Chicken fingers (2 or 3) OR Bagel with cream cheese 

Weds. - Cheese OR Pepperoni Pizza 

Thurs. - Hotdog (beef or chicken) OR Hamburger (beef or veggie)

Fri. - Mac and cheese OR Cheese Quesadillas (2 or 3) 


Everyday add on items :

side of rice

side of fries

cheese sandwich on white bread

jam sandwich on white bread

soup (tomato or chicken noodle)

chocolate or white milk 

apple or orange juice


Homework & Reminders

·         MMS p. 305 - 306

·         Exhibition:

o   Finish up any incomplete research for homework

o   Keep thinking of ideas and planning to accomplish your action component

o   Think of next steps for the French component

o   Think of ideas for the music component

o   Search for sources about your issue to research in class this week

o   Keep your next mentor meeting in mind

o   Bring your device daily

o   Research due date April 5

o   Essay due date April 11

·         Return squash permission form if you haven’t already

·         After-care payments

·         Summer fiesta as well as wristband prices are now $25

·         Summer uniforms may now be worn

·         Wednesday, April 20 – Squash, 2 – 3 pm

·         Wednesday, April 27 – Squash, 2 – 3 pm

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