Thursday, January 8, 2015

Excellent Graphing on Excel

We had a technology filled day in Grade 6 today. In math, students used Microsoft Excel to enter secondary data into a spreadsheet. They formatted the data by font, bold, size, borders, and decimal place and checked layout using print preview. Students then used the data to create bar, line, and circle graphs. They formatted the graph's titles, legend, colour, and texture. There is no assigned math homework today, unless students would like to practice the table and graph generating skills we learned about in class today.

In our human body inquiry unit time, students received 2 hours of class time to research their topic and make jot notes. Students used their devices to search internet sources for information. There are also informational texts available in the classroom for students to use for researching information.

We began thinking and talking about persuasive speeches in more detail today. Students read about the parts of persuasive writing. We discussed how the persuasive speech will different to a persuasive essay. Grade 6s are asked to challenge the audience to take action in some way on their topic. Students will have to be creative in coming up with ideas on how to do this. They brainstormed ideas they are interested in writing about. They then chose one of their topic ideas to work on further. They used the topic to plan and write a persuasive paragraph. We will work on speeches again on Monday. Students are encouraged to keep thinking about a topic for their speeches that they feel very strongly about.

Ms. Husain was away today. Grade 6s used their French time to work on International Day. The result is that there is a taste of Japan in our room. I am thrilled with the Grade 6's enthusiasm as we prepare for this day!

Grade 6s attended Gym class today.

Homework & Reminders

  • Bring devices daily for the next two weeks - make sure you have access to Excel & Microsoft Publisher or similar software
  • Human body test Monday, January 12 - Circulatory & Nervous Systems
  • Think of ideas for your persuasive speech
  • Return curling permission forms
  • January 16th Curling: (11:45 am - 1:45pm)

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