Thursday, January 23, 2014

Project Presentations

In our math unit on fractions and decimals we practiced a strategy called "make a model" Students used manipulative and pictures to solve a word problem involving fractions of a whole or a set. There is no MMS homework assigned today.

In language, students wrote their spelling test. Tests are coming home today.  

In our speech work, students showed me the revised copy of their idea # 2 paragraph. Some students received the go-ahead to begin work on idea # 3 paragraph. Others had to go back to researching more facts to add to idea #2.   A revised copy of idea paragraph number 3 is due Monday.

We worked on our novel study today. Students shared how a pioneer Christmas was the same and different to the way some people celebrate Christmas today. Students had time in class to read chapter 5. Some even completed the response page. Others chose to use this class time to work on their speech. Some were writing paragraph 3, while others had to do additional research on the Think Pads.

Today was the day when students shared their forces project with the class. Each student had time to explain how their machine worked. Students were also allocated a question and answer time. Because presentations took long, students missed their gym time with Mr. Browning.


Students attended French and art class today.

 Homework & Reminders

·         Sign all tests coming home today

·         Complete idea # 3 paragraph for tomorrow (1st & 2nd draft)

·         Read chapter  5 of Little House in the Big Woods and complete reader response page for Monday

·         Mark Saturday, February 22, on your calendars as the SJA Annual Gala - Gala tickets are for sale now ($75/adult & $10/child)

·         Tomorrow is a PD Day for teachers - no school for students  

·         Trip forms

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