Wednesday, January 8, 2014

More or Less Friction

Today the Grade 4s began their day with Language. They learned about the eight parts of speech: verb, noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb, conjunction, preposition, and interjection. Some students recognized all eight. Most students knew only the first five. Students then did their Spelling [ie and ei]. In Arithmetic students reviewed greatest common factors.

by Rachel P.

Our schedule was a bit different than usual today. Students said it felt strange to be doing math in the middle of the day. In math, we learned that a translation is the same as a slide. Students remember slides from grade 3 math. They practised identifying transformations that were translations and those that were not translations. They practiced describing translations and drawing images of a figure using translation arrows to show movement.

We ended the day with our forces unit. Today we continued looking at friction, but focussing on times when we would like to decrease friction (when skiing or skating) and times when we would like to increase friction (when driving on slippery roads). We watched a few video clips that further explained the concept of friction. We began working on tomorrow's lesson on safety devices by watching a video clip about seat belts. Students were surprised at the amount of damage done to a test dummy with head on collision when traveling at 30 km/h. We watched another video clip that explained Newton's First Law of Motion. Tomorrow we will see if there is a connection between wearing seatbelts and this law.

Students attended French and gym class today.

Homework & Reminders

  • Spelling - review list 20 words
  • MMS p. 108 & 109
  • Arithmetic p. 109 & 110


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