Monday, October 21, 2013

How We Express Ourselves

We began a new week with a new inquiry unit. This unit falls within the transdisciplinary theme How We Express Ourselves. The central idea for this unit is Imaginary worlds can be expressed through story telling. The 3 lines inquiry that will direct this unit are:

        Different genres of storytelling

        The elements of a story

        The process of story writing

Today students were introduced to the new unit. They brainstormed with a partner about all the different literary genres they could think of. Ask your child to explain what a genre is and ask them to name a few. We played a genre sorting activity as a house game. Students pulled books out of a bag and then had to place it into a chart according to the genre it belonged to.

In math, we began looking at the faces of 3-D solids. Ask your child to explain the difference between a 2-D figure and a 3-D solid. We examined an number of solids in class and classified them as prisms, pyramids, or other. Students named different pyramids and prisms and drew all their faces. Ask you child to distinguish between prisms and pyramids.

In language, students began working on list 9 spelling words. Spell words with consonant digraphs: thunder, farther, reaches, chicken wheat, Thursday, foolish, gather, brother, awhile, chimney, sharply, leash, bother, shipment, feathers, charge, shovel, whiskers, crush. They also continued working on using quotation marks. Today students learned that we use quotation marks to show the titles of short stories, poems, songs, chapters, and magazine or newspaper articles.

Students worked on review work in arithmetic.

Students attended French, art, and gym class today.

Homework and Reminders:

  • Review list 9 spelling words
  • MMS p. 48 & 49
  • Arithmetic p. 47 & 48
  • Language p. 28 & 29 (if you did not get done in class)

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