Monday, March 4, 2019


Our day started with a PJ Day House Game. Students participated in a pillow case race. Well done to Zeta, Kappa, and Theta for taking first, second, and third place respectively.


Once in class we continued our inquiry unit How we organise ourselves. Today’s learning goal was to introduce students to the idea that individuals can make a positive difference in the world as social change agents. We listened to Joni Mitchell’s “Big Yellow Taxi”. We discussed the issues described in the song and who may be out there trying to make a difference. Students were introduced to NGOs. Ask your child to tell you about these organisations. We watched a video about work done in Kenya by Free the Children, an example of an NGO, in their efforts to build schools. We discussed the issues facing Kenyans, the PEPS features we observed in the video, and the pros and cons of this nation who is developing when compared to Canada. Students who would like, may view more videos in their own time: volunteering video.

Students will be writing the UOI test tomorrow.  They should be reviewing all work covered so far in this unit, including map work. They should review all concepts listed in the review sheet that they received last week.

We continued talking about exhibition which begins after March Break. Today we examined the theme that exhibition falls under:

Who we are

An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.

Students considered issues that we face locally (but possibly globally too) that are related to this theme or aspects of this theme. They brainstormed possible issues as a group and then shared these ideas with the class. Students are asked to further generate ideas by researching issues in the news and by talking to their parents. The issues should be worth learning about in depth and should be actionable. We will discuss further ideas in class tomorrow.

Students had music, math, and French class today. In math, students wrote the unit test.

Spirit week takes place all week. Tomorrow is Superhero/Princess/Tie-Dye Day. Students not participating should wear their school uniform.

We will be painting on Friday. Students should come to school having chosen the Canadian/Ontario physical feature/landform they have chosen to paint.

 Homework & Reminders

·         UOI

o   Study for the Canada in the World unit test which is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, March 5th  - Refer to the review sheet

o   Practice locating and naming all countries pinned on our class world map

o   Generate more local (and possibly global) issues that fit with the theme ‘Who we are’

·         March 4th – March 8th – Spirit Week

·         Tuesday, March 5th

o   Pancake Tuesday

o   Superhero/Princess/Tie-Dye Day

o   UOI Test

·         Thursday, March 7th

o   Grade 5 & 6 Ski Trip to Glen Eden, 6:45 am – 3:30 pm

o   Sports Day

o   Scholastic Book orders are due

·         Friday, March 8th

o   St. Patrick’s Day – wear green

o   Canadian landscape needed for painting

·         March 11th – March 22nd – March Break

·         March 25th – Back to school, Term 3 begins


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