Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Spring is in the Air, err ...Spring is in the Soil

We began our day with a math lesson. Today's lesson was about measuring the perimeter of a large region. We measured the length and width of our classroom in metres and then calculated the perimeter of our classroom. Students know to use metres or kilometres when finding the perimeter of a larger region. The rest of math class time was used to solve problems involving finding the perimeter of regions, comparing to decide which is greater. This often involved converting m to km or km to m.

In language we took up Monday's seatwork on simple subjects and simple predicates. We continued working with these concepts in trickier sentences with strings of adjectives before the subject. Students know the trick to find the simple subject is to first find the verb and then ask who or what does the action. Students spent time working on List 31 spelling words.

In our inquiry unit on plants and soils, we examined our bean seeds. A few students are seeing germination beginning to take place. Today we took up the observations that students made about 3 different soil samples yesterday. It was fun listening to the ways students described the soils. We learned that the fresh air smell of spring comes form the soil and is called geosmin which is caused by a bacteria. Today's new lesson focused on the needs of plants and animals. Students recorded their thoughts on a Venn Diagram before sharing their ideas with the class. Ask your child to list the needs of plants and animals.

If you haven't already, please make time to visit the library to find 3 sources for your science fair project this week. Students who have their sources should begin reading and taking notes in their science journals. Remember to complete the bibliography page in your science fair duo-tang for each source you use.

We ended our day working on our International Day presentation of Canada. Parents are welcome to visit this Friday between 3 pm and 3:30 pm.

Students attended art and gym class today.

Homework & Reminders

  • Review list 30 spelling words for this Friday's test
  • MMS p. 150 & 151
  • Term 2 Report cards comment pages are due this week.
  • Portfolios and storage binders are due on Friday, April 4th.
  • Science Fair: Visit the library if you can to find 3 written sources on your topic. Begin your background research reading and note-taking
  • Bring in a box of maple cookies (available at Freshco at $2.50 + tax) for International Day
  • Red or white poster board for International Day, research your topic for International Day. International Day is on Friday, April 4
  • Scholastic order forms and cheques are due Friday for those interested
  • Soccer letters are coming home with students who made the U10 team

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