Wednesday, April 9, 2014


In today's math lesson we continued exploring figures that have the same perimeter but different areas. We kicked off the lesson with a word problem where students were given a perimeter and challenged to find all the possible rectangles with that perimeter. They used geoboards to help them, grid paper to show their solutions and a table to work in a systematic and organised way. They then had to choose the dimensions that gave the greatest area. Student noticed that the narrower and longer the rectangles, the smaller the area. The closer the rectangles came to being a square, the larger the areas. Students used the remainder of class time to construct as many possible figures of a given perimeter and calculate area for each.

In language students worked on their list words.

In our inquiry time, we repeated yesterday's investigation to determine the drainage of different soil samples. We worked with sand, loam, and clay samples. Ask your child which soil was best at draining water and which was best at holding water. Students were inquirers as they read about composting to discover what this process is about. We will take up these lessons on Friday. We ended our inquiry time by watching a DVD titled What is Soil?

Students used class time to work on their background research for their science fair project. I quickly met with each student today to ensure that they were making progress in their note-taking. There is a supply of books available for students to use in class for their background research.

We ended the day meeting as a school to find out which class is in the lead for the spring fundraiser. Students are encouraged to bring in their pledge forms and money collected daily. They could be the top earner for a day and be eligible for a prize.

Students attended French and gym class today.

Homework & Reminders

  • Keep fundraising and bring in any money raised daily
  • Review list 32 spelling words
  • MMS p. 160 & 161
  • Plants & Soils test moved to Monday
  • Science Fair: Continue working on your background research reading and note-taking
  • Bake Sale on tomorrow  $1
  • Coffee Sale for parents during tomorrow's drop-off - $2
  • Bring in photos for French class
  • Pancake order forms are due Monday, April 14
  • Scooter Roller Palace trip forms due Wednesday, April 16
  • Scooter Roller Palace trip on Thursday, April 17
  • Some students need to purchase pencils, erasers, and glue sticks as they have run out of supplies
  • U10 soccer team is heading out for a tournament tomorrow

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