Thursday, December 3, 2015


Grade 6s attended French class with Mme. Villeneuve and Gym class with Ms. Lovan this morning. After gym, we took up yesterday’s math homework on comparing and ordering fractions.

After lunch and recess, we worked on a new math lesson on estimating decimals. We used rounding to the nearest whole, tenth, and hundredth place as a way of estimating. We practiced these ways and compared them to the actual answer when adding or subtracting. Students discovered that rounding to the nearest hundredth place gave an answer that was closest to the actual answer, while rounding to the nearest whole number was easiest to do but gave an answer that was not as close to the actual answer. All students were required to complete and correct review question 8 in class. Students had class time to work on today’s practice work. For homework, students are asked to complete practice questions on p. 127 - 128 of the MMS textbook.

Next, we worked on persuasive writing. Students read samples of student work and wrote a list of strengths and weaknesses for each sample they read. They shared their ideas with their partners and with the class. We have begun creating a class checklist on how to write a spectacular persuasive letter.

Some students used recess time to finish up their reading assessments and portfolios.

At the end of the day we rehearsed our song for the Christmas concert.

Homework & Reminders

·         MMS p. 127 - 128

·         Please return comments page from the report card. I will make a copy of the comments and return this page to you.

·         Tomorrow: Last day to return electric car parts

·         Wednesday, December 16 – Bake Sale, Christmas Concert, 6:30 – 8:30 pm

·         Thursday, December 17 – Spirit Day (wear red, green, and white), last day of school
Enjoy some pictures from our Grand Prix:


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