Friday, December 4, 2015

Art Through Shapes

Grade 6s attended Art class with Ms. Kerr and Gym class with Ms. Lovan this morning.

After gym, we took up yesterday’s math homework on rounding decimals.

After lunch and recess, we worked on the next math lesson on estimating sums and differences. Students were required to complete and correct review question 9 in class. Students had class time to work on today’s practice work. For homework, students are asked to complete practice questions on p. 130 & 131 of the MMS textbook.

Next, we worked on persuasive writing. Students read more samples of student work and added to their list of strengths and weaknesses for the sample they read. They shared their ideas with their partners and with the class. We have continued adding to the class checklist on how to write a spectacular persuasive letter.

We began working on our third inquiry unit at the end of the day.

Central Idea: People have expressed themselves artistically and creatively, using different shapes and forms throughout time

Key Concepts: Connection, Form

Lines of Inquiry:

           Different artists and their forms of expression throughout history

           Analyze the artists meaning through their art works

           Connection of art work during periods of history and over different cultures

For our first lesson, students reflected on what they already know about art and what they would like to learn further. We read about and described pointillism and then discussed two famous pieces, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte by Georges Seurat and Morning, Interior by Maximilien Luce.

 SJA is excited to announce that Year Ahead Day is happening again this year!  All SJA PYP students will be participating in this exciting event on Thursday, December 10th. Year Ahead Day is a fun and interactive day for the students at SJA to spend a day in the class of the grade level ahead of them (example: SK students spend their day as Grade 1 students, Grade 6 students spend their day as Grade 7 students, etc.).  This is a great way for the students at SJA to get a glimpse into their future life at SJA!  Students can get to know the teachers, see their future classroom, and take part in activities they will be participating in next year. 

Look out for letters coming home today about Year Ahead Day and cookie dough orders.

Homework & Reminders

·         MMS p. 130 & 131

·         Electric car parts are past due

·         Wednesday, December 9 – Casual Day Fundraiser for Bryan in Kenya. Organised by the MYP students. Please bring $2 if you want to support this caue

·         Thursday, December 10 – Year Ahead Day

·         Monday, Dec 14  - After care payments are due

·         Wednesday, December 16 – Bake Sale, January lunch orders are due no exceptions, Christmas Concert, 1:30 – 3:00 pm & 6:30 – 8:30 pm

·         Thursday, December 17 – Spirit Day (wear red, green, and white), last day of school

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