Tuesday, March 31, 2015

.....Researching .......

We began our day with a math lesson on percents. Students learned that percent means "per one hundred" or "out of  one hundred". Students represented percents as fractions, decimals, or on a hundredths grid. An unusual, but music to my ears, statement was said in math class today: "Mrs. Haag, I love this unit!" Many students again made excellent progress on their practice questions. They are asked to complete the questions on p. 310 - 311 of the MMS textbook for homework.

Students used today's inquiry time to share the sources they had found over the weekend with their group members. The challenge was for each student to record at least one page of notes in point form from a new source before recess. Most groups accomplished this. Students were also challenged to check if they could:
-define their issue
-explain the cause of their issue locally and globally
-explain the effects of their issue locally and globally
-list existing or come up with new solutions to the issue
I met with each group to discuss their progress on being able to write an essay on the above points. Each group came away from the meeting with a "to do" list to focus on. Parents, please talk to your child about what their group needs to focus on. Tomorrow is the last day that will be given for reading, viewing, and taking notes. After tomorrow, students who are missing information, may still use class time to do this, but they will be getting behind. They will be pulled from recess, drama, and gym class until they are caught up.
Some students have still not found at least 3 of the additional sources listed below on their topic:
-a documentary
-newspaper article
-magazine article
Students have been reminded to do a fair share of the work and to be a productive group member.

38 Days Till Exhibition

When students went to French class today, they worked on their French component of their exhibition.

Groups who have had their art ideas approved should begin bringing in art supplies.

Grade 6s had French and Gym class today.

Students are asked to return all binders by Thursday, April 2. Parents, please complete the comments page of the report card by Thursday, April 2. I will make a copy and return the original to you.

Homework & Reminders

  • MMS p. 310 - 311
  • Find at least 3 additional sources on your exhibition issue if you did not do this over the weekend or yesterday
  • Devices are needed all week
  • Art supplies for some groups
  • Thursday, April 2 - Easter Spirit Day, wear pastel colours, last day to return report card comments and all binders
  • Friday, April 3 - Good Friday, No school
  • Monday, April 6 - Easter Monday, No school
  • Students may wear their polo shirts after the long weekend
  • Summer camp specials end Victoria Day long weekend


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