Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Drafting the Brochure

Due to a few student absences today, we did not view the remaining ‘Welcome to _____, Canada’ videos. We plan to do this tomorrow instead.

We spent all of our inquiry time working on the next phase of our summative task, ‘The Ambassador’s Tea Party’. Today’s goal was to plan our electronic brochures by creating a paper draft, ensuring that we have referred to and had included all required criteria as per the checklist. Many students completed this task with time to spare. As a result, we began the next phase of the project – creating an electronic version of the brochure. Students used either a trifold brochure template from Microsoft word, or formatted a page using Google Docs to create a trifold brochure. I gave the class a quick tutorial on how to use both these options. Students that were ready began their electronic brochure. We did some troubleshooting, and have managed to overcome a few obstacles already with respect to using the programmes. Students had extra time at the end of the day to work on their brochures again. Some of Ms. Jaskolka’s students joined us during this extra time. Students will have class time to work on and complete the brochures tomorrow. The brochures will be due to me before the end of the school day tomorrow. Students will be required to either email the brochure to me as an attachment or share it with me through Google docs. Students who prefer and are able to are asked to print a colour version of the brochure at home and bring it to school on Friday. Students who did not complete the rough paper draft of the brochure in class are asked to complete this for homework. Students will need devices tomorrow to complete the electronic version of their brochure.

Students will share their brochures and form trade connections with ambassadors from other developing countries at the Ambassador’s Tea Party, this Friday, March 1st. Students are to come dressed to well represent their country. They are also asked to supply a small plate of treats for the tea party, e.g. shortbread biscuits or cucumber sandwiches. I will supply the tea.

Students will be writing the UOI test on Tuesday, March 5th. They should be reviewing all work covered so far in this unit, including map work.

We used some class time to discuss the role of the teacher and the parent in exhibition. Then we discussed the importance of reflecting. Students will be journaling through exhibition as a way of reflecting. Today we discussed and agreed on the criteria for journal reflections.  Please ask your child to tell you what they understand about exhibition so far.

Students had French and math class today. In math, students took up and discussed questions from the review worksheet. For homework they are to complete Question No. 5 & 7 from the review worksheet.  The next math unit test is Monday, March 4th, 2019.

Due to bus cancellations Personal Projects have again been moved. We will be visiting Grade 10 Personal Project Presentations tomorrow, Thursday, February 28th.

Tomorrow is Anti-Bullying Day. Students are asked to come to school wearing a pink shirt (no uniform pieces required).

 Homework & Reminders

·         UOI

o   Complete the rough, paper draft of your brochure

o   Devices are needed tomorrow as students create the electronic version of the brochure for their developing country

o   Study for the Canada in the World unit test which is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, March 5th

o   Practice locating and naming all countries pinned on our class world map

·         Math

o   Question No. 1 & 2 from the worksheet

o   Math unit test on Monday, March 4th

·         Thursday, February 28th

o   Anti-Bullying Day – wear a pink shirt

o   Bake Sale hosted by Oakwood students

o   Grade 10 Personal Projects

o   Electronic versions of brochures are due

·         Friday, March 1st

o   Bring a colour print-out of your brochure if you are able to

o   Ambassador’s Tea Party (Dress to represent your country. Bring a small plate of treats for the tea party)

·         March 4th – March 8th – Spirit Week

·         Monday, March 4th

o   Math unit test (Tentative Date)

o   PJ Day

·         Tuesday, March 5th

o   Pancake Tuesday

o   Superhero/Princess/Tie-Dye Day

o   UOI Test

·         Thursday, March 7th

o   Grade 5 & 6 Ski Trip to Glen Eden, 6:45 am – 3:30 pm

o   Sports Day

o   Scholastic Book orders are due

·         Friday, March 8th – St. Patrick’s Day – wear green

·         March 11th – March 22nd – March Break

·         March 25th – Back to school, Term 3 begins

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