Monday, September 26, 2016

How Generating Stations Work

Day 4
We began our week with math class. First we took up Friday’s homework, with special attention to the word problems. Students then began working on a review package to ensure they are prepared for Wednesday’s unit test on whole numbers. Student’s work has been checked up to question 7.  Many students missed second recess while working on correcting problems 1 to 7. Everyone should complete all questions today. Please return the review package to school tomorrow as I will do my best to check everyone’s work tomorrow.
During UOI time, students discussed some the issues they encountered as they worked on their graphs over the weekend. Students who did not have a graph or did not email me their graphs are asked to do this today. We will be discussing the graphs in class tomorrow. We will also need devices tomorrow to finish up our research. Today’s learning goal was to understand how various forms of energy are transformed into electrical energy at generating stations. Students worked through the OPG Students Guide to read and understand this process at hydroelectric, thermal, nuclear, and wind generating stations. Students encountered many new technical terms in their reading. They sorted the information they came across in a T-chart with sections for “What is Important” and “What is Interesting.” Ask your child to explain how generating stations work.

Students attended Music, French, and Gym class today.
Look out for a Phys. Ed. Letter from Mr. Slyk coming home today.
Homework & Reminders
·         Math review package: Complete all questions. Return this package to school tomorrow.
·         Math unit test on Wednesday, September 28
·         UOI: Create the two graphs to show power generators by type and power production by type. Email me your graphs ( or print the graphs out at home
·         Read for 30 minutes and record your reading in your log
·         Learner profile assignment – be ready to present on your assigned day
·         Tuesday: Devices needed
·         Science Fair all due on Monday:
o   Find a box to store your materials
o   Begin collecting materials that were suggested in the letter and in class today
o   $10 for materials
·         Signed last page of student handbook is past due
·         Wednesday, Sept. 28: Whole Numbers unit test, Casual Day, Music, After-school programs forms and payment due
·         Thursday, Sept. 29: Terry Fox Run
·         Friday: Guest Speaker, Michael Neumann from Birnie Current Safe will visit the class to talk about electrical safety in the home
·         Friday: Music forms are due, October hot lunch forms are due, Music, French spelling test

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