Friday, September 30, 2016

Electrical Safety by Michael Neumann of Birnies Current Safe

Day 8
We had our end-of month assembly first thing today. Students who have been recognised by their peers as being inquirers received their awards. Well done to Jacob for being nominated by the Grade 6s class as an inquirer! The awards were followed by a house game led by Mrs. Pettrawala who runs the Blossom Yoga class at SJA. In the game, student representatives from each house and grade completed relay races using yoga poses. We also practiced our breathing. Well done to Theta who took first place in both games.


We had only a few minutes of math time before our guest arrived. There is no math homework assigned this weekend. Whole Numbers unit tests are coming home today. Please take time to review the test with your child, sign the test, and return the test for Monday.

Michael Neumann of Birnie Current Safe was our special guest speaker today. He spoke to the class about electrical safety in the home. We heard amazing facts we did not already know. Students took notes while he spoke. They will be using the information they recorded to create an electrical safety poster. Mr. Neumann ended up spending double the amount of time speaking to us than we had planned on. We are extremely grateful to him for giving us his time and expertise. Parents, please ask your child to summarise what they learned about electrical safety today.


We ran out of time to hear Areej’s and Sakshi’s learner profile presentations today. We will hear them next week Monday/Tuesday instead.

Students attended French, gym, and music class today.

Look out for a letter about Movie Night from the parent guild coming home today.

Homework & Reminders

·         Math

o   Tests coming home today. Review, sign, and return

·         Electricity UOI: Ontario’s Energy Mix graphs Galvani/Volta research is past due

·         Read for 30 minutes and record your reading in your log

·         Learner profile assignment – be ready to present on your assigned day

·         Science Fair all due on Monday:

o   Find a box to store your materials

o   Begin collecting materials that were suggested in the letter and in class today

o   $10 for materials

·         Signed last page of student handbook is past due

·         Tuesday: Music

·         Thursday

o   Music

o   Reading logs are due

·         Friday: PD Day – no school for students

Thursday, September 29, 2016


Day 7

We are gearing up to begin our next math unit on number patterns. Students worked on a preassessment task to determine what they already know about number pattern concepts.

The class then enjoyed gym time with Mr. Slyk.

When they got back to class we finished up work on energy transformations at generating stations. Today’s task was to create flow charts for each type of generating station showing how energy is transformed from one type into another type. It was a very noisy time as students shared their ideas with each other and celebrated when they figured it out. The class completed their self-assessment to show how well they worked over the last two days. I collected students’ research on Galvani and Volta as well as Ontario’s Energy Mix & graphs. There are a few students who have not yet submitted this work. Please remember to do this tomorrow. 

Later in UOI time, we wondered how generators work. Our goal was to find out. Students read a comic about the life and work of Michael Faraday. In groups they discussed and summarised the main ideas of the text. Ask your child to tell you what they learned about Michael Faraday. They were then challenged to follow directions to build a generator using materials supplied. Some groups worked well together while others are having a harder time working together. Most groups completed the building only to discover that it had problems. They had to troubleshoot and then begin the building again. No groups have been successful yet in lighting a bulb or LED. It has helped us to appreciate how much perseverance it took for people like Galvani, Volta, and Faraday. It is also a foretaste of what it will be like to build our electric cars for science fair. Students are encouraged to keep thinking and researching troubleshooting ideas for our generators.

Due to the rain, we had our annual Terry Fox run indoors. We managed to have a great time walking and running for this great cause. It is not too late to donate if you would still like to.
Homework & Reminders

·         Electricity UOI: Ontario’s Energy Mix graphs Galvani/Volta research is past due

·         Read for 30 minutes and record your reading in your log

·         Learner profile assignment – be ready to present on your assigned day

·         Science Fair all due on Monday:

o   Find a box to store your materials

o   Begin collecting materials that were suggested in the letter and in class today

o   $10 for materials

·         Signed last page of student handbook is past due

·         Friday:

o   Guest Speaker, Michael Neumann from Birnie Current Safe will visit the class to talk about electrical safety in the home

o   Music forms are due

o   October hot lunch forms are due

o   Music

o   French spelling test

o   Reading logs are due

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Thinking Skills: Compare and Contrast

Day 6

Grade 6s began their day writing the unit test on whole numbers. Our test was interrupted by a fire drill. Students who did not complete the test used some of their gym time to finish it up. Enjoy a rare day of no math homework, Grade 6s.

During UOI time the class got into their Ontario’s Energy Mix groups. They took turns sharing interesting facts they had discovered about their chosen generating station with the class. Students then got into their “How does a generating station work?” groups. They shared information from their T-charts describing “What is interesting” and “What is important” about generating stations. Their next task was to choose two types of generating stations to compare and contrast. They used a Venn diagram to do this. They had a choice of working in a group of two or three. They had to refer back to the OPG student guide to complete this task. Using their Venn diagrams groups composed compare and contrast statements that they shared with the class. The Galvani/Volta Research and Ontario’s Energy Mix Graphs/work was collected from students today. Some students do still not have their graphs at school. They are asked to submit this work tomorrow.

It was Jierui’s turn to present his learner profile attribute on being a “thinker”. This was valuable to the class as they wondered how being an inquirer is different to being a thinker. Jierui’s examples helped clarified things for the class when he said that being curious, innovative, and making decisions are all thinking skills. Thank you, Jierui!

Students also attended French and Music class today.

Tomorrow is our annual Terry Fox Run. Please come to school dressed in your gym uniform.

Homework & Reminders

·         Electricity UOI: Complete your Ontario’s Energy Mix graphs and submit this work tomorrow

·         Read for 30 minutes and record your reading in your log

·         Learner profile assignment – be ready to present on your assigned day

·         Science Fair all due on Monday:

o   Find a box to store your materials

o   Begin collecting materials that were suggested in the letter and in class today

o   $10 for materials

·         Signed last page of student handbook is past due

·         Thursday: Terry Fox Run – wear gym uniform

·         Friday:

o   Guest Speaker, Michael Neumann from Birnie Current Safe will visit the class to talk about electrical safety in the home

o   Music forms are due

o   October hot lunch forms are due

o   Music

o   French spelling test

o   Reading logs are due

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Narrative Writing

Day 5

Grade 6s began their day attending French class.

Once in our class, they were introduced this term’s Ontario Writing Assessment task. They worked to write a fable/legend that explains how an animal got one of its special or unique features. Some students spent all class time given and more to finish their stories. We will be learning more about narrative writing in the coming weeks.

I managed to mark everybody’s math review package. We also used our math class time to go over the complete package. Packages are coming home today to help students prepare further for tomorrow’s unit test. Good luck with your studying, Grade 6s!

During UOI time we took up the graphs that students created about generating stations on Friday and yesterday. Students chose a generating station close to us to research further. They worked with a partner or group to do this work. Students will be submitting this work tomorrow.

It was Eghosa’s turn to present his learner profile attitude today. He described what it means to have empathy. As usual, the presentation was followed by a class discussion with students asking questions and sharing their understandings of empathy. Thank you, Eghosa!

Students also attended Gym class today.

Look out for a letter from the parent guild coming home today.

Tomorrow is Casual Day.

Homework & Reminders

·         Math: Study for tomorrow’s unit test

·         Read for 30 minutes and record your reading in your log

·         Learner profile assignment – be ready to present on your assigned day

·         Science Fair all due on Monday:

o   Find a box to store your materials

o   Begin collecting materials that were suggested in the letter and in class today

o   $10 for materials

·         Signed last page of student handbook is past due

·         Wednesday, Sept. 28: Whole Numbers unit test, Casual Day, Music, After-school programs forms and payment due

·         Thursday, Sept. 29: Terry Fox Run

·         Friday: Guest Speaker, Michael Neumann from Birnie Current Safe will visit the class to talk about electrical safety in the home

·         Friday: Music forms are due, October hot lunch forms are due, Music, French spelling test

Monday, September 26, 2016

How Generating Stations Work

Day 4
We began our week with math class. First we took up Friday’s homework, with special attention to the word problems. Students then began working on a review package to ensure they are prepared for Wednesday’s unit test on whole numbers. Student’s work has been checked up to question 7.  Many students missed second recess while working on correcting problems 1 to 7. Everyone should complete all questions today. Please return the review package to school tomorrow as I will do my best to check everyone’s work tomorrow.
During UOI time, students discussed some the issues they encountered as they worked on their graphs over the weekend. Students who did not have a graph or did not email me their graphs are asked to do this today. We will be discussing the graphs in class tomorrow. We will also need devices tomorrow to finish up our research. Today’s learning goal was to understand how various forms of energy are transformed into electrical energy at generating stations. Students worked through the OPG Students Guide to read and understand this process at hydroelectric, thermal, nuclear, and wind generating stations. Students encountered many new technical terms in their reading. They sorted the information they came across in a T-chart with sections for “What is Important” and “What is Interesting.” Ask your child to explain how generating stations work.

Students attended Music, French, and Gym class today.
Look out for a Phys. Ed. Letter from Mr. Slyk coming home today.
Homework & Reminders
·         Math review package: Complete all questions. Return this package to school tomorrow.
·         Math unit test on Wednesday, September 28
·         UOI: Create the two graphs to show power generators by type and power production by type. Email me your graphs ( or print the graphs out at home
·         Read for 30 minutes and record your reading in your log
·         Learner profile assignment – be ready to present on your assigned day
·         Tuesday: Devices needed
·         Science Fair all due on Monday:
o   Find a box to store your materials
o   Begin collecting materials that were suggested in the letter and in class today
o   $10 for materials
·         Signed last page of student handbook is past due
·         Wednesday, Sept. 28: Whole Numbers unit test, Casual Day, Music, After-school programs forms and payment due
·         Thursday, Sept. 29: Terry Fox Run
·         Friday: Guest Speaker, Michael Neumann from Birnie Current Safe will visit the class to talk about electrical safety in the home
·         Friday: Music forms are due, October hot lunch forms are due, Music, French spelling test

Friday, September 23, 2016

Ontario Power Generation

Day 3

In math we worked on the final lesson for the whole numbers unit. We took up yesterday’s homework, with special attention to the word problems. We continued working on division involving a 2-digit and a 4-digit number. Students that have grasped this process worked on practice problems independently. Students that needed some support worked with me. Grade 6s are asked to complete only odd practice questions on p. 74 - 75 of the MMS textbook. The class will be writing a whole numbers unit test on Wednesday, September 28.

During UOI time, the class completed writing a paragraph, using correct paragraph structure, describing what a day in their life without electricity would be like. Arya presented her learner profile attribute of integrity. Arya shared how Mahatma Ghandi showed integrity and gave the class examples of ways that they could demonstrate integrity in their lives. Students also had the opportunity to share their integrity stories with the class. Thank you, Arya!

Next in UOI time, we began learning about Ontario’s energy mix. Students received a guide about energy production in Ontario from the OPG. They explored the first couple of pages of this guide to learn about different types of generating stations found in Ontario that are operated by the OPG. Students used map work skills to read the map and legend. They used whole number skills to understand the units of power (watts, kilowatts, megawatts, and gigawatts). They used data management skills to record data about the types of generating stations and the power production into spreadsheets and graphs. As always happens when working with devices, some students did run into hiccups such as connecting to the school’s Wi-Fi, not having passwords, not having Excel or access to Google sheets because of not having a Gmail account, etc. Students who had these issues are asked to try resolve them this weekend in preparation for the next time we need devices.

The class received short tutorials on how to use Excel and Google Sheets. They are encouraged to play around and become familiar with these in order to create graphs that meet the criteria specified in their worksheets. They class is asked to complete their worksheets on Ontario’s Energy Mix up to step 12 on their worksheets i.e., complete the graphs if they were not able to get this done in class. They should then email me their graphs or print them out at home and bring them to school on Monday.

We were supposed to watch a clip on building cars yesterday, but did not get to it. We again did not get to do this today. We are hoping to be more successful with this next week.

Students attended French and Gym class today.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Homework & Reminders

·         Math p. 74 – 75 (odd numbers only)

·         Math unit test on Wednesday, September 28

·         UOI: Create the two graphs to show power generators by type and power production by type. Email me your graphs ( or print the graphs out at home

·         Read for 30 minutes and record your reading in your log

·         Learner profile assignment – be ready to present on your assigned day

·         Science Fair:   

o   Find a box to store your materials

o   Begin collecting materials that were suggested in the letter and in class today

·         Signed last page of student handbook is past due

·         Wednesday, Sept. 28: Whole Numbers unit test, Casual Day

·         Thursday, Sept. 29: Terry Fox Run

·         Friday, Sept. 30: Music forms are due, October hot lunch forms are due