Monday, September 17, 2018

Series and Parallel Circuits

Students began the new school week being introduced to our novel study for this term. Students received their novel study books and Duo-tangs. They were placed in groups that will meet on a daily basis to discuss the book. Today, students examined the cover of the book and made predictions about what the book may be about.

Today students worked on the comprehension component of this term’s reading assessment. This was a task that took a long time and many students had tired hands by the end of it. I am happy to say that everyone managed to get done, but it did take some recess time for some students.

During today’s inquiry time, students followed procedures to construct and observe light bulbs in series and parallel circuits while following safety cautions. We again had a student group that accidentally created a short circuit that overheated the wires and melted the insulation. We are using this experience as learning for all to understand how short circuits can cause fires.

Thank you to all students for handing in their $15 for their science fair supplies on time.

Grade 6s attended math and French class today. Music time has been moved to tomorrow as Mr. Oliver has something special planned for his classes tomorrow. There will be no math class tomorrow due to this event.

In Math, Grade 6s were introduced to stem and leaf plots and arranged their shoe sized into a stem and leaf plot. Ms. Joseph has assigned a worksheet on this work.

Golfing trip forms need to be returned by Monday, September 24th.

Look out for a letter about the Caribou math contest coming home today. Also, look out for a Terry Fox pledge sheet coming home today.

Homework & Reminders

·         Op art projects are past due

·         Math: Complete Worksheet on stem and leaf plot.

·         Work on your IB Portfolio cover page if you have not completed this

·         Busing permission forms and signed page of the handbook are past due

·         Golfing forms are due on Monday, September 24th

·         Golfing Trip October 1st.

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