Thursday, November 2, 2017

Day 4 – About the Author

Grade 6s continued learning about decimals in math class. Today students further practiced division involving decimals. Today’s lesson division required more steps and the addition of zeros in the dividend until there was no remainder. Students discovered that sometimes the same number appears over and over again in the subtraction step. Ask your child to explain what this is called. Students are asked to complete MMS 6 p. 66 – 67 if they did not get done in class today. They should correct previous pages if this is applicable. Please return the unit tests if you have not already done so.  

We continued working on our City of Ember novel study. Students met in their literature circle groups and discussed the eighteenth chapter using their assigned roles. Once discussions were completed, students were assigned a new literature circle role for the nineteenth chapter. Students had some class time to work on their reading and response for tomorrow’s discussion. This must be completed for homework if it was not completed in class.

During today’s inquiry time we finished taking up the Physical, Economic, Political, and Social (PEPS) features of the USA and Canada. Students then used their research and a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the physical, economic, political, and social features of Canada and the USA. Students were told how they would be assessed on the quality of their work. At the end of the day, the Grade 6 class learned about their first group project for this unit. They will be producing a video promoting a province or territory in terms of its PEPS. Students should bring devices from now on as they will be using the internet to research their province or territory.

In language, we worked on the entry form for the Polar Expressions Poetry and Writing Competition. Students were required to complete the ‘About the Author’ section by writing about themselves in the third person. Some students have completed the address portion. Others are bringing these home to check on their addresses and contact information. Please return these forms to school tomorrow.

Grade 6s attended French and gym class today.

Remember to memorise the Guy Fawkes Day poem by Monday, November 6th.

Homework and Reminders

·        Math

o   MMS 6 p. 66 - 67

o   Review, sign, and return all math tests that went home this week

·        Polar Expressions Entry Form: Complete the ‘Student Information’ section and return to school tomorrow

·        Language: What is the difference between a fairy tale and a legend?

·        Science Fair: Collect any materials you may need for your car construction

·        Novel Study: Chapter 19 & Reading Response due tomorrow

·        UOI: Devices needed

·        Mon., Nov. 6 – Guy Fawkes Day Poetry Recitations

·        Fri., Nov. 10 – PD Day – No school for students

·        Mon., Nov. 20 – Curling trip

·        Dec. 1st – Curling trip

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