Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Day 3 – Adverb Poems

Grade 6s continued learning about decimals in math class. Today students practiced dividing a decimal by 1-digit whole number. We used the steps in long division to solve these problems. Some students wanted an extra challenge by learning and using short division to solve these problems. Both methods are acceptable. Students are asked to complete MMS 6 p. 64 – 65 if they did not get done in class today. Please return the unit tests if you have not already done so.  

We continued working on our City of Ember novel study. Students met in their literature circle groups and discussed the seventeenth chapter using their assigned roles. Once discussions were completed, students were assigned a new literature circle role for the eighteenth chapter. Students had some class time to work on their reading and response for tomorrow’s discussion. This must be completed for homework if it was not completed in class.

During today’s inquiry time the class continued worked in groups to research the Physical, Economic, Political, and Social (PEPS) features of the USA and Canada. Groups could only go out for recess if they completed their research. We took up the research after recess. Some students were not detailed enough in their research and note-taking. For example, when asked to list the major physical landforms of the countries, some students recorded only one, e.g. the Cordillera, instead of listing all the major landform regions for each country. Students were expected to improve the quality of their notes while we took this work up together. They will be using this information in a task tomorrow that they will be graded on.

In language, we learned about the form of Adverb Poems. Ask your child what is recorded on each line of this kind of poem. Students heard and wrote their own adverb poem. We did not have enough time for students to share their poems with the class today.

Grade 6s attended French, music, and gym class today.

Remember to memorise the Guy Fawkes Day poem by Monday, November 6th.

Homework and Reminders

·        Math

o   MMS 6 p. 64 - 65

o   Review, sign, and return the geometry unit test that is coming home today

·        Language: What is the difference between a fairy tale and a legend?

·        Science Fair: Collect any materials you may need for your car construction

·        Novel Study: Chapter 18 & Reading Response due tomorrow

·        Mon., Nov. 6 – Guy Fawkes Day Poetry Recitations

·        Mon., Nov. 20 – Curling trip

·        Dec. 1st – Curling trip

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