Thursday, January 9, 2014

Reflections & Seat Belts

Today we were back to our normal routine of beginning our day with math. We learned that a reflection is the same as a flip. Students know that an image is only considered a reflection of a figure if it is congruent to the figure, faces the opposite direction to the figure, and is the same distance from the mirror line. Students practiced making reflections of figures using geoboards and dot paper. They are having lots of practice using the vocabulary for this unit.


In arithmetic, students continued finding the greatest common factor of 2 numbers. They are now using the skill to find the g.c.f. for fractions.

In language, students completed their practice work with list 20 spelling words. We learned about the first part of speech - verbs. Students learned that verbs are found in the predicate part of a sentence. We will focus of finding verbs that show action for the next few days. Students learned that they will be presenting an expository speech in February. Finalists will present their speeches at SJA's annual Oral Presentation on February 27. Students will choose their speech topics next week, and begin researching their topic.

 We will be completing another novel study this term. The book we will be reading is called Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Students received the copy of the book today as well as the reading response Duotangs. We begin reading in class tomorrow.

In our inquiry unit on forces, we learned the connection between Newton's First Law of Motion and seatbelts. Ask your child to explain the connection to you. We looked at other safety devices that slow or stop movement that could harm people. Students will be writing a test on forces on Tuesday to show what they have learned this unit.

Students attended French, art, and gym class today.

Homework & Reminders

  • Spelling - review list 20 words
  • MMS p. 110 & 111
  • Arithmetic p. 111 & 112
  • Forces test on Tuesday
  • Sign tests coming home today



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