Monday, January 20, 2014

Mind Your Parents

We began our week with a new math unit on fractions and decimals. We spent a few minutes reviewing what we remember about this unit from grade 3. We then began our first lesson where we  focused on writing proper fractions to represent figures. Students used coloured paper squares to construct a 3-colour quilt. They then represented each colour in their quilt with a fraction. They learned that proper fractions represent less than a whole. They are already familiar with the terms numerator and denominator.


In language, we began review work on verbs in preparation for Wednesday's language test on verbs, punctuation, and capitalization. Language books will go home tomorrow. We began working on list 22 spelling words - Spell words containing the vowel pairs ai and ay and the diphthongs oi and oy: voices, sprain, noises, disloyal, employ, waist, destroyed, fray, broiling, swaying, displays, praised, disappoint, railroad, royalty, appointed, crayon, boiling, soybean, spoiled.

Almost everybody had completed their Prewriting Planner for their speech. We discussed the Expository Pillar in class today. This organiser helps students to record the main ideas for their paragraphs and then come up with 4 details (in 1 or 2 words) to support their main ideas. We will not be working on the introductory or concluding paragraphs this week. Expository pillars must be completed for tomorrow.

Students then worked on their forces projects.

We ended the day with our novel study. This is becoming a time that everybody looks forward to. We discussed chapter 4, where children showed their understanding of the story's plot, characters, while learning about pioneer lives. We discussed how Pa made bullets and cleaned his gun. The children shared how pioneer children had to mind their parents.

Students attended French and gym class today.

Homework & Reminders

·         Review list 22 spelling words

·         MMS p. 116 & 117

·         Complete your expository pillar for tomorrow

·         Read chapter  4 of Little House in the Big Woods and complete reader response page for Thursday

·         Mark Saturday, February 22, on your calendars as the SJA Annual Gala - Gala tickets are for sale now ($75/adult & $10/child)

·         Language test on Wednesday

·         Spelling test on Friday

·         Friday is a PD Day for teachers - no school for students  

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