Monday, January 27, 2014

Early Pioneers

In our math unit on fractions and decimals we learned that equivalent fractions show the same part of  a whole. Students examined pictures and fractions rods to notice that 1/2 is the same as 2/4 and that 1/5 is the same as 2/10. They learned that they can come up with many equivalent fractions by folding a fraction strips into smaller and smaller parts. Another method of writing equivalent fractions is to multiple or divide the numerator and denominator in a fraction by the same number.


In language, students worked on list 23 spelling words - Spell words in which ou and ow spell the vowel sounds /ou/, /ô/, /ō/ and /u/: hours, sparrows, towns, powerful, amount, without, allows, shower, brought, sought, hollow, swallowed, southern, thousand, thought, trouble, bouquet, although, mountain, chowder. They also worked on reviewing spelling words from lists 19 - 23.

In our speech work, students showed me the revised copy of their idea # 3 paragraph. We did not do more work on speeches today. Today is a day for students who are behind on their speech work to catch up.

In our novel study time, students shared how pioneer children spent their Sunday, compared to how they spend their Sundays. Students discussed what is considered good and bad behaviour then and now. We also compared punishment for misbehaviour. Students have been assigned chapter 6 to read for Thursday. Students had time in class to read chapter 6.

We were all excited to begin our inquiry unit on Pioneers. Students have a new Duo-tang for their work. They worked on a KWL chart to show what they already know about pioneers and what they would like to know. Students made many connections to Little House in the Big Woods. and to Story of the World which we read last year. Students were inquirers as the worked independently or in a group to discover who the first pioneers were and why and how they came to America. Students have received a A- Z book template which they will be working on throughout this unit. We also discussed the final project for this unit. Students are happy to have lots of time to decide on a pioneer of First Nations person to focus on for this project.

Students attended French and gym class today.

Homework & Reminders

·         Review list 23 spelling words

·         Complete speech  idea # 3 paragraph for tomorrow

·         Read chapter  6 of Little House in the Big Woods and complete reader response page for Thursday

·         Mark Saturday, February 22, on your calendars as the SJA Annual Gala - Gala tickets are for sale now ($75/adult & $10/child)

·         Trip forms

·         Wednesday is Casual Day

·         Spelling test on Friday



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