Monday, December 5, 2016

The Properties of Air

Day 10

We began our week with an awards assembly. Congratulations to Leah for being nominated by her classmates for being a Thinker.

Well done Farah, Husmeen, and Sai for taking first, second, and third place in the science fair.

Students continued working on this term’s writing piece – persuasive letter writing. They worked in groups to read samples of students writing, discuss each sample, and add strengths and areas for improvement on a T-chart. The groups shared their ideas with the class.

In math students received their decimal unit tests back. Please look out for these coming home today. Take time to review the test with your child, sign it, and return it to school. We then began a new math unit on Data Management. We discussed when we would use bar, circle and line graphs. We then examined these types of graphs and made inferences. Students are asked to complete the practice work on p. 170 – 171 of the MMS textbook.

We ended the day working on discovering more about the properties of air. We reviewed the experiments we conducted last week to ensure everyone got reliable results and correctly identified the variables. We repeated the balancing act experiment with a metre stick. We also tried to make a hot air balloon again, but with a toaster this time. The bag expanded with hot air but it did not lift off. We did another experiment to demonstrate that air can flow.  Students are asked to bring in newspapers and a big old t-shirt to use as an art smock by Thursday.

Students attended gym and music class today.

Look out for pictures and a cookie dough letter coming home today.

Homework & Reminders

·       MMs p. 170 – 171, Sign and return decimal unit test

·       Wednesday: Music

·       Thursday: Parent-Teacher conferences

·       Friday: Music

·       December 21: Casual Day, Christmas Concert (noon & 7pm – Families welcome at both)

·       December 22: Spirit Day

·       December 23: Christmas Break begins

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