Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Mean, Mode, and Median

Day 1

Grade 6s began their day having French class with Mme. Stella.

Once back in our class, we took up yesterday’s math homework on interpreting data. We then began a new lesson on finding the median for a set of data. We reviewed how to find the mean and the mode too. Students began working on the practice work. They are asked to complete remaining practice questions on p. 174 -175 of the MMS textbook.

After recess, students attended gym class.

Students continued working on this term’s writing piece – persuasive letter writing. They worked in groups to read samples of students writing, discuss each sample, and add strengths and areas for improvement on a T-chart. The groups shared their ideas with the class. We have now finished up this activity and created a comprehensive checklist of criteria. We will begin working on student conferences next.

We ended the day working on discovering more about the properties of air. We learned about the gases that make up air and that air is a fluid. We did more experiments to discover the properties of air. Ask your child to describe these to you.  Students are asked to bring in newspapers and a big old t-shirt to use as an art smock by Thursday.

"Parents if you ordered Gift Cards they are being sent home tonight in your child's agenda. Please make sure to check the agendas to ensure receipt.” -  SJA Parent Guild

Parent-Teacher Conference appointment times are coming home today.

Homework & Reminders

·       MMs p. 174 – 175

·       Wednesday: Music

·       Thursday: Parent-Teacher conferences

·       Friday: Music

·       December 21: Casual Day, Christmas Concert (noon & 7pm – Families welcome at both). Gift basket auction takes place.

·       December 22: Spirit Day

·       December 23: Christmas Break begins

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