Monday, March 23, 2015

Term 3 Begins

We began the new term by reflecting on how little time was left till summer holidays and how much work we had to get through before then. With that said, the Grade 6s began working on a new math unit of fractions, percents, ratios, and rates. Today we reviewed what students remember about fractions and percents. We then worked through a lesson on equivalent fractions. Students understand that equivalent fractions represent the same amount of a whole. They used fraction circles, multiplication, and division as strategies to write equivalent fractions. Students are asked to complete Q. 1, 3, 6, 8 - 11 on p. 289 & 290 of the MMS textbook.

We spent the first part of today's inquiry time reflecting on the explorers unit as students added work samples to their IB portfolios and on the work we did in term. Students worked on their report card comments.

Students then began work on exhibition. The first step was to get organised. Students placed required tabs in an exhibition binder that will hold all information and work relevant to exhibition. So far the binder contains a letter for parents to read and sign, an exhibition planner, an exhibition records book, and an exhibition journal. No assessment tools have been added yet, as these will be determined by what students choose to do for their projects.

In the next segment of inquiry time, students received letters that were written by last year's exhibition students. The letters described some of the challenges, experiences, and tips with regards to exhibition. The Grade 6s really enjoyed reading these letters. They reflected on how they are feeling about the exhibition in their journals.

In our final segment of inquiry time, we reviewed the expectations and essential components of the exhibition. Students read about their role and expectations in their exhibition planners.  Some students then worked in groups to create an essential agreement. Look out for a letter about our trip to the library coming home today.

Grade 6s had French and Gym class today.

Homework & Reminders

  • MMS p. 289 - 290, Q. 1, 3, 6, 8 - 11
  • Parents, please read and sign the exhibition letter in the front of your child's exhibition binder. Also, please look through the binder and ask your child what their role in exhibition is. Ask them to explain the expectations and essential components to you.
  • Bring devices to begin researching exhibition topics
  • Sign and return math tests coming home today
  • Wednesday is Casual Day
  • Library trip on Thursday
  • Reports come home go home Friday

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