Tuesday, April 22, 2014


We began our final MMS unit on probability this morning. First we began by reviewing concepts learned in grade 3 by discussing the likelihood of winning a carnival game. We then focused on the language of probability. We made a class chart where students generated examples of events that were certain, possible and likely, possible but unlikely, and impossible. The class had a lot of fun discussing these events. We considered a coins in the pocket scenario, and described the likelihood of drawing a particular coin out the pocket based on knowing how many of each coin there were. Students used the words probable and improbable to describe likelihood. The rest of class time was used to describe the probability of scenarios using appropriate vocabulary as well as depict described scenarios in pictures.

In arithmetic, we reviewed how to write equivalent fractions by multiplying numerator and denominator by the same number or by drawing pictures.

In language, students are working on reviewing subjects, verbs, kinds of sentences, correcting run-together sentences, punctuating parts of a letter, the writing process, and abbreviations. In spelling we began working on List 34 words - Spell and identify antonyms and synonyms: difficult, tender, lengthy, sturdy, expensive, repaired, enormous, journey, weary, tense, cautious, sorrow, vague, ancient, courage, drowsy, disbelief, current, descend, rapidly.

In our plants and soils unit, our question was, "What is photosynthesis?" Students shared their understanding of this process and we got some excellent information. The class took notes of the ideas their friends shared. We then used the index of a few books to find information about photosynthesis. Students drew a plant and labelled it with arrows to show where water and carbon dioxide is taken up, where sugar is produced, and where oxygen is released. Ask your child to describe photosynthesis to you. We watched a DVD titled Plant Parts.

For science fair, I met with students to track their progress. I am happy that many students have begun the testing phase of their projects. Remember to take pictures and record data as you go. Make time in the next week or so to purchase a tri-fold display board for the science fair.

We are making preparations to begin our final novel study for the year. This study will be done in the form of literature circles with each group member performing a different role. Students are bringing our novel home with them today as well as a letter for parents. Please take time to read and sign the letter, and have a look at the book, The Secret Garden. No reading has been assigned for today.

Homework & Reminders

  • Review list 34 spelling words for Friday's spelling test
  • MMS p. 180 & 181
  • Arithmetic p. 135 & 136
  • Science Fair: Begin testing, record data & observations in qualitative and quantitative data collection tables, take photos as you go. Make time to buy a tri-fold display board in the next week or so.
  • Novel Study - sign letter
  • Bring in photos for French class

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