Monday, October 30, 2017

Day 1 – Imports and Exports

Grade 6s continued learning about decimals in math class. Today students practiced dividing decimals by 10, 100, 1000, and 10 000 decimals. They also learned how to multiply a decimal by 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001. Everyone is asked to complete p. 58 – 61 of the MMS 6 practice book for homework. Corrections on previous homework in the decimal unit should be done too if applicable. Students received their Number Patterns tests today. Please take time to review these, sign them, and return them to school tomorrow.

We continued working on our City of Ember novel study. Students met in their literature circle groups and discussed the fifteenth chapter using their assigned roles. Once discussions were completed, students were assigned a new literature circle role for the sixteenth chapter. Some students used class time to read Chapter 16. While they read they worked on their role response and also worked on completing their graphic organiser. Students who did not complete this in class are to complete it for homework. We will have literature circle discussions again tomorrow.  It is important that each group member complete the reading and their response for the daily group discussions.

During today’s inquiry time our goal was to develop an understanding of what is meant by ‘imports and exports’ and why countries trade with each other. Students then learned about which countries are Canada’s top trading partners. They completed a map work activity to find and represent these countries on a map. Students who did not complete this in class are asked to complete it for homework.

In language, we learned about the form of a Three-line List Poem. Ask your child what is recorded on each line a list poem. Students heard, wrote, and shared list poems with each other.

Grade 6s attended French, music, and gym class today.

Students received copies of the Guy Fawkes Day poem. Students will receive house points for memorising the poem. This should be done by Monday, November 6th.

Students may wear their Halloween costumes or dress in harvest colours for tomorrow’s Spirit Day.

Homework and Reminders

·        MMS 6 p. 58 – 61, Review, sign, and return the number patterns test that is coming home today

·        Language: What is the difference between a fairy tale and a legend?

·        Science Fair: Collect any materials you may need for your car construction

·        Novel Study: Chapter 16 & Reading Response due tomorrow

·        Complete Canada’s Trading Map work activity if you did not get done in class today

·        Tues., Oct. 31 – Spirit Day: Harvest/Halloween Dress Up – No weapons, scary masks.

·        Mon., Nov. 6 – Guy Fawkes Day Poetry Recitations

·        Mon., Nov. 20 – Curling trip

·        Dec. 1st – Curling trip


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